About David

‘The greatest use a person could make of his or her lifetime is to improve the quality of life for all in his or her community’

Kurt Vonnegut, Hocus Pocus, 1990


I am happiest when working with small teams of people that I admire in pursuit of an interesting, challenging goal for which we have just enough resources to stand a decent chance of success.

The future of successful publicly funded services will be based upon combining the positive attributes of new technology with the voluntary actions of ‘people working with people’ to build a community of shared interest. One without the other is unlikely to succeed – it has to be both. Otherwise the private companies, health services or charities may be too easily driven toward doing little more than meeting the minimum acceptable standards of a contract.

Experiences of the past five years have helped to excavate a genuine sense of ‘self’, which in turn has helped me to decide what to do with my time and energy. I am going back to my love of working against the odds with small teams united by common cause, all the way back to the earliest exciting times in the charity sector..

Small united teams of competent, like-minded people can enable better outcomes for the communities that they serve. Having ‘just enough’ intellectual, financial and personal resources is part of that success equation.

Feb 2019